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Sagan's Contributions to Us

I regularly followed his TV appearances because he had such a simple yet deep understanding of our universe and could speak in terms that was straight-forward and logical. Other than that I knew little about him. However, he was explaining the sheer beauty and majesty of it one evening and it struck me as how insightful he really was as a person and scientist. He had stated that if anyone doubts the existence of a higher being or creator all one had to do was look up at the night's sky-filled array of stars. To do this he suggested you pick a clear night, lie down flat on your back, relax and stare up at the multitude of bright stars peppered across the sky. Just lie there for awhile taking it all in and realizing how incomparable a scene that was. asking yourself the question: Was it a random act or was it purposely designed and created by a superior intelligence, an infinite being we call God. To any unbeliever, he posed that challenge.

- Art Murray